Student Activities

博彩平台网址大全办公室致力于为学生提供成长的机会, engage, 领导不同的组织和活动. 博彩平台网址大全提供了诸如“最后的星期五”之类的活动, Bingo, Canvas Panting, Tie-Dye, Arts and Crafts, Homecoming events, and so many more.

Student Acitivties Photo Gallery


Student Organizations


Closeup of abstract art installation

Aurora Literary Arts Magazine

奥罗拉文学艺术杂志是一本以小说为特色的年度文学出版物, poetry, photography and art. The magazine’s staff is a dedicated and eclectic mix of students of all ages and majors who are devoted to putting together a publication of the highest quality.

Questions? 联系导师:Josh MacIvor-Andersen


Black Student Association (BSA)

The mission of BSA is to aid in the growth and development of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College students, 员工和管理者通过一系列的文化, socially and academically focused discussions and programs from a unique African-American perspective. BSA aims to develop and promote unity within the minority community and intensify the student voice here at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College.

Questions? Contact the advisor: Dee Reed


Choral Ensembles

圣玛丽森林教堂的歌唱历史可以追溯到1840年它的建立. In its earliest days, students and/or Sisters of Providence would have surely joined together to create a choir for supporting Mass, 还有许多学生歌曲可以追溯到20世纪初. 最后,学院的音乐部门创建了一个面向所有学生的合唱团.

Questions? Contact the director: Michael Boswell

Collegiate Horseman’s Association

The Collegiate Horseman’s Association is a club for all Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College equine enthusiasts. 会员参加与马有关的活动,如治疗骑马, horse rescue, clinics, expositions, horse shows, fun shows, trail rides and socials.

Questions? Contact the advisor: Tabatha Taylor

Creative Crafts

Creative Crafts is a way for students on campus to take a step back from classes and enjoy learning or participating in a new hobby. 这将给校园里的学生一个机会,找到其他喜欢钩针编织的人, knitting, embroidery, sewing and macramé, 给他们一个机会,让他们作为一个群体走到一起,相互联系和合作. It will also provide a safe environment to learn from each other and expand their own individual knowledge of these activities. Additionally, 它将给那些想要学习的人一个安全的机会,拿起并尝试一门新手艺.

Questions? Contact the advisors: Kalista Lindgren & Sara Nimori or

Drama Club

戏剧社每年都通过各种戏剧表演来推广艺术. 学生参与演出的各个方面,从策划到最终制作. Any student is allowed to join and be part of the performances no matter what level of theatrical experience.

Questions? Contact the advisor: Karen Crispin

E-Sports & Gaming (eSGO)

eSGO seeks to provide a safe and nurturing place for the undergraduate community to gain experience in leadership as well as network and socialize with like-minded gaming enthusiasts. Further, the organization will promote intercollegiate eSports competition for those students who would like to participate in team gaming.

Questions? Contact the advisor: Rob Vandermolen


Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA)

FCA is a club that welcomes all SMWC students to come and build relationships through creating bonds and sharing their faith. The organization has bi-weekly meetings and focuses on being a stress reliever for everyone during this busy time. All are welcome!

Questions? Contact the advisor: Darla Hopper

Smiling students in a classroom


FBLA is an American career and technical student organization with the purpose of bringing business and education together. FBLA为大学生提供了发展和展示领导力的机会, 通过社区服务项目的沟通和团队合作能力, 筹款活动和分会办公室职位.

Questions? Contact the advisors: Sara Amstutz & Meredith Williams or

Gender/Sexuality Alliance (GSA)

GSA致力于为SMWC的LGBTQIA+社区成员创造一个安全的空间. Open to people of any sexuality, gender identity, or sex, the club offers a range of events that educate those on campus but also promote equality in fun ways.

Questions? Contact the advisor: Sara Church



ISEA is a club designed to help equip future teachers with the skills they need to be successful. Through volunteer opportunities at local schools as well as education and career development workshops, 学生回馈维戈县社区,同时获得专业技能.

Questions? Contact the advisor: Robin Thoma


Instrumental Ensembles

圣玛丽森林学院有很多乐器演奏的机会. Students of any major are welcome to join the SMWC Concert Band or the Terre Haute Sinfonietta Pops Orchestra by registering with their related course numbers to take the ensemble for one elective credit each semester.

Questions? Contact the directors: John McIntyre & James Chesterson or

Junior Class Officers

Junior Class Officers are elected student positions responsible for organizing Big/Little week and Ring Day which are two long-standing traditions at SMWC.

Questions? Contact the advisor: Elizabeth Reel

Two students playing guitar


MTSA involves students in professional activities by promoting interaction between its membership and professionals such as hosting guest speakers, 教育研讨会和鼓励出席会议. 该组织的其他活动包括与音乐相关的活动,如开放麦克风之夜, jam sessions, etc. Students of all majors are welcome.

Questions? Contact the advisor: Sharon Boyle


Peace and Justice Club

和平与正义俱乐部促进所有人的和平与正义. The aim is to nurture an inclusive, caring and respectful environment on campus and within the community – one where conflict leads to growth and transformation rather than violence or aggression.

Questions? Contact the advisor: Elaine Yaw

Pre-Veterinary Medical Association

The Pre-Veterinary Medical Association is a student organization that allows students interested in veterinary medicine to further explore the fields available. Students are provided opportunities of internships and volunteer options in different fields of veterinary medicine, 以及来自兽医学校和专业兽医的演讲. This association hopes to better prepare students for Veterinary School applications and for future careers.

Questions? Contact the advisor: Ed Ferguson


Psychology Club

The Psychology Club provides opportunities for students to explore interests related to psychology. The club hopes to instill experience and knowledge in students to better prepare them for future careers. 心理学俱乐部是一个学术和社交俱乐部.

Questions? Contact the advisor: Sara Church


Senior Class Officers

高年级组织高年级聚餐, an event held in early December, 并协助向校园毕业生传达有关毕业典礼的信息.

Questions? Contact the advisor: Sarah Mahady


Service31 seeks to provide an opportunity and means for service within and outside campus by and for the Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College student body. Service31 is the main organization through which campus-based undergraduate students can centralize student-driven action, 表达关注及促进SMWC的服务. It is the vision of the College for Service31 to bring a spirit of community and service throughout campus and the greater community. The goal of Service31 is to build a student-based organization that focuses on outreach within the Vigo County community and further to allow students to reach out into the community.

Questions? Contact the advisor: Tim Tesmer



SFLC is a student-run council of sophomores and freshmen who are responsible with providing community leadership opportunities and support Junior Class during Ring Day.

Group photo of the 2018 SAC members

Student Activities Committee (SAC)

SAC是一群学生,他们的主要功能是计划, 执行和评估学生活动和博彩平台网址大全. The organization is committed to offering a variety of opportunities each month with different performances, bands, comedians and events.

SMWC nursing students preparing tests

Student Nursing Association (SNA)

SNA有助于提高对护理和护理学士学位教育的认识和参与. 该组织致力于支持学生护士的专业教育, 支持其他想要从事医疗保健专业的学生, 支持和参与任何对医疗保健领域感兴趣的学生, 并在校园和社区提供有关当代健康问题的教育.

Questions? Contact the advisor: Christine Delnat

Student Senate

The Student Senate represents the opinions of the student body and strives to enrich all aspects of student life. 学生会承担维护和捍卫学生权利的责任, allocating the student activity fee, 促进和认可学生的领导能力, 并作为学生团体和其他校园选区之间的联络人.

Sustainability Club

可持续发展俱乐部致力于促进校园内外的可持续生活. Sustainability Club also works with local organizations to promote various aspects of sustainability such as recycling, re-using, water conservation, 保护环境,减少生态足迹! 请与扶轮社职员联络以获得义工机会.

Questions? Contact the advisor: Theresa Watson

今天就创建一个新的学生组织! Contact Campus Life for more information.

Student powerlifting

Club Sports

  • Cheer and Dance
  • Rowing
  • Powerlifting
  • Coming Soon – Tennis

Learn more about club sports at SMWC


SMWC校内支持并鼓励学生保持健康, engaged members of the campus community and is overseen by the Department of Intercollegiate Athletics. 校内旨在鼓励友好, 整个学年为学生和学生运动员提供竞争氛围. 日程安排通常包括一次性活动,如迷你高尔夫球, bowling, 或者激光枪战,以及全年以团队为基础的赛季. 关注你的电子邮件,看看校园内外发生了什么!

Learn more about intramurals